Sunday, April 17, 2011

Star Plots

A Star Plot is another graphic way of displaying multivariate information with each star representing a single observation and each spoke representing a variable.

Correlation matrix

A correlation matrix is represented by a number that depicts the relationship between two variables. The above matrices are an example of a correlation matrix among 20 climate model biases at certain spatial locations.

Similarity Matrix

 Similarity matrices are used in aligning sequenced information such as higher scores are given more similar characteristics while lower scores are given dissimilar characteristics.Similarity matrices show a strong similarity to their counter matrices: distance and substitution. The above matrix is of the the Beatles song Hey Jude. The dark blue lined indicate similarity when lyrics are repeated. The area of unconcentrated shading is during the instrumental parts of the song.

Stem and Leaf Plot

A Stem and Leaf Plot is very similar to a histogram but demonstrates more information by way of summarizing the distribution of a data set while simultaneously providing data on individual values. All the data in a stem and leaf plot is arranged by place value from mean to median to mode. The larger digits are the stem and the smaller units are the leaves. Stem and Leaf plots are typically used when there are large amounts of data to be analyzed.

Box Plot

The Box Plot is a way of graphically identifying one or more sets of data. Box plots are best used when comparing distributions between several data sets.


A Histogram is visual impression of the distribution of data shown by a graph. The above histogram is a simple example of a described problem: The number of weeks it takes to receive an order of contraceptives, and the frequency of the problem.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

A Parallel Coordinate Graph is a common way of visualizing and analyzing multivariate data. The above PCG visually communicates cancer statistics.